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1. Caritas-Sozialstation Lippstadt-Benninghausen

Provider: Caritasverband für den Kreis Soest e.V.

Wir bieten häusliche Krankenpflege, Begleitung und Betreuung, Hauswirtschaftliche Hilfen, Essen auf Rädern, Hausnotruf, Palliativpflege, Hauskrankenpflegekurse, Fahrdienste und Beratungen rund um das Thema Pflege und Betreuung...

Contact us

Nadine Peters


Benninghauser Straße 172
59556 Lippstadt-Benninghausen

Appointment possible by agreement.

Appointment only possible after agreement

2. Legal Advice

Provider: Sozialdienst Katholischer Männer e.V. Lippstadt

Legal support for adults, who cannot manage their legal matters because of sickness or disability. With tehe help of supervisor/volunteer (Betreuer) you should be able to file an application, carry out money transaction, to finish contracts ... So you can maintain your fundamental right and leada self-determined life.

Contact us

Frau Anja Balke


Cappelstraße 50 - 52
59555 Lippstadt



Times of work

  • Mo 8:00 o'clock until 12:30 o'clock
  • Tu 8:00 o'clock until 12:30 o'clock
  • Wed 8:00 o'clock until 12:30 o'clock
  • Thu 8:00 o'clock until 12:30 o'clock
  • Fr 8:00 o'clock until 12:30 o'clock

Appointment possible by agreement.

Appointment only possible after agreement

3. Lippstädter Tafel

Provider: Caritasverband für den Kreis Soest e. V.

We pass on food items that are in good condition to individuals and families with low incomes.

Contact us

Willi Pieper


Klosterstraße 5
59555 Lippstadt

Times of work

  • Tu 14:00 o'clock until 16:00 o'clock
  • Fr 10:00 o'clock until 12:00 o'clock

Appointment possible by agreement.

Appointment only possible after agreement

4. Rüthener Tafel

Provider: Caritasverband für den Kreis Soest e. V.

We pass on food items that are in good condition to individuals and families with low incomes.

Contact us

Günter Keuthen


Königstraße 5
59602 Rüthen

Times of work

  • Thu 14:00 o'clock until 16:00 o'clock

Appointment possible by agreement.

Appointment only possible after agreement

5. Wohnberatung

Provider: Caritasverband für den Kreis Soest e. V.

Accommodation advice is a free service for all interested citizens. The objective of the accommodation service is to prolong independent living in your own home and in a familiar environment and, where necessary, achieve this by means of structural changes. It is therefore possible to remain in your own apartment/home with care needs.

Contact us

Anne Schulte-Bücker


Klosterstraße 37
59555 Lippstadt

6. Demenzberatung

Provider: Caritasverband für den Kreis Soest e. V.

Information and advice on the topic of dementia allow ideas surrounding organising daily life and life with people with dementia to be developed together. Lectures on the topic of dementia, primarily on the effects of the illness on the lives of those effected and communicating with people with dementia.

Contact us

Elisabeth Groth-Hollmann


Am Kirchplatz 11
59519 Möhnesee

Times of work

  • Mo 08:00 o'clock until 13:00 o'clock
  • Tu 08:00 o'clock until 13:00 o'clock
  • Wed 08:00 o'clock until 13:00 o'clock
  • Thu 08:00 o'clock until 13:00 o'clock
  • Fr 08:00 o'clock until 13:00 o'clock

Appointment possible by agreement.

7. Caritas-Sozialstation, Lippstadt

Provider: Caritasverband für den Kreis Soest e. V.

We provide domestic nursing, company and assistance, domestic support, meals on wheels, medical alarms, palliative care, home-based care courses, transport services and advisory services on the topic of care and support.

Contact us

Barbara Aulbur


Klosterstraße 37
59555 Lippstadt

Times of work

  • Mo 08:00 o'clock until 13:00 o'clock
  • Tu 08:00 o'clock until 13:00 o'clock
  • Wed 08:00 o'clock until 13:00 o'clock
  • Thu 08:00 o'clock until 13:00 o'clock
  • Fr 08:00 o'clock until 13:00 o'clock

Appointment possible by agreement.

Appointment only possible after agreement

8. Seniorenwohnheim St. Annen-Rosengarten, Lippstadt

Provider: Caritasverband für den Kreis Soest e. V.

In our retirement home, we are living in a special type of housing community. Here, elderly people find themselves a new home with a high standard of living and optimum care.

Contact us

Stephanie Reckhard


Soeststraße 6
59555 Lippstadt



Times of work

  • Mo 08:00 o'clock until 16:00 o'clock
  • Tu 08:00 o'clock until 16:00 o'clock
  • Wed 08:00 o'clock until 16:00 o'clock
  • Thu 08:00 o'clock until 16:00 o'clock
  • Fr 08:00 o'clock until 16:00 o'clock

Appointment possible by agreement.

9. Seniorenwohngemeinschaft, Anröchte

Provider: Caritasverband für den Kreis Soest e. V.

Caritas supports senior citizens from 60Plus to lead an independent life in the open, light and pleasantly designed rooms. As an alternative type of housing to a private home, the \"sheltered housing\" combines the comfort and conveniences of a modern rented apartment with accessible and elderly-friendly furnishings. In the retirement community, the focus is on a shared lifestyle and coping with everyday life with support as required.

Contact us

Ulrich Mehn


Hospitalstrasse 11
59609 Anröchte

Times of work

  • Mo 08:00 o'clock until 13:00 o'clock
  • Tu 08:00 o'clock until 13:00 o'clock
  • Wed 08:00 o'clock until 13:00 o'clock
  • Thu 08:00 o'clock until 13:00 o'clock
  • Fr 08:00 o'clock until 13:00 o'clock

Appointment possible by agreement.

10. Caritas Service Wohnen „Am Hellweg“ und Seniorenwohngemeinschaft, Geseke

Provider: Caritasverband für den Kreis Soest e. V.

Caritas supports senior citizens from 60Plus to lead an independent life in the open, light and pleasantly designed rooms. As an alternative type of housing to a private home, this "sheltered housing" combines the comfort and conveniences of a modern rented apartment with accessible and elderly-friendly furnishings. In the retirement community, the focus is on a shared lifestyle and coping with everyday life with support as required.

Contact us

Birgit Thöne / Anke Baumgart


Rosenstrasse 16a
59590 Geseke


(02942) 8350

Times of work

  • Mo 08:00 o'clock until 13:00 o'clock
  • Tu 08:00 o'clock until 13:00 o'clock
  • Wed 08:00 o'clock until 13:00 o'clock
  • Thu 08:00 o'clock until 13:00 o'clock
  • Fr 08:00 o'clock until 13:00 o'clock

Appointment possible by agreement.

11. Senioren Wohngemeinschaft, Lippstadt

Provider: Caritasverband für den Kreis Soest e.V.

Caritas supports senior citizens from 60Plus to lead an independent life on the premises of the old nurses' home in the catholic hospital. Owing to rental rates, this service is dedicated to those with a low income.

Contact us

Barbara Aulbur


Klosterstrasse 37
59555 Lippstadt

Times of work

  • Mo 08:00 o'clock until 13:00 o'clock
  • Tu 08:00 o'clock until 13:00 o'clock
  • Wed 08:00 o'clock until 13:00 o'clock
  • Thu 08:00 o'clock until 13:00 o'clock
  • Fr 08:00 o'clock until 13:00 o'clock

Appointment possible by agreement.

Appointment only possible after agreement

12. Caritas-Tagespflege St. Hildegard, Lippstadt

Provider: Caritasverband für den Kreis Soest e. V.

We provide day care for elderly people requiring assistance, who are limited in their independence at home and for those living alone who are lonely and need someone to talk to. In addition, the service also serves to relieve and support nursing and caring dependants.

Contact us

Christian Fischer


Klosterstrasse 37
59555 Lippstadt

Times of work

  • Mo 08:00 o'clock until 16:30 o'clock
  • Tu 08:00 o'clock until 16:30 o'clock
  • Wed 08:00 o'clock until 16:30 o'clock
  • Thu 08:00 o'clock until 16:30 o'clock
  • Fr 08:00 o'clock until 16:30 o'clock

Appointment possible by agreement.

13. Caritas-Tagespflege LÖebensbaum, Anröchte

Provider: Caritasverband für den Kreis Soest e. V.

We provide day care for elderly people requiring assistance, who are limited in their independence at home and for those living alone who are lonely and need someone to talk to. In addition, the service also serves to relieve and support nursing and caring dependants.

Contact us

Birgit Hoffmeier


Hospitalstraße 11
59609 Anröchte

Times of work

  • Mo 08:00 o'clock until 16:30 o'clock
  • Tu 08:00 o'clock until 16:30 o'clock
  • Wed 08:00 o'clock until 16:30 o'clock
  • Thu 08:00 o'clock until 16:30 o'clock
  • Fr 08:00 o'clock until 16:30 o'clock
  • Sa 08:00 o'clock until 16:30 o'clock

Appointment possible by agreement.

14. Caritas-Sozialstation Anröchte

Provider: Caritasverband für den Kreis Soest e. V.

We provide domestic nursing, company and assistance, domestic support, meals on wheels, medical alarms, palliative care, home-based care courses, transport services and advisory services on the topic of care and support.

Contact us

Ulrich Mehn


Hospitalstraße 11
59609 Anröchte

Times of work

  • Mo 08:00 o'clock until 13:00 o'clock
  • Tu 08:00 o'clock until 13:00 o'clock
  • Wed 08:00 o'clock until 13:00 o'clock
  • Thu 08:00 o'clock until 13:00 o'clock
  • Fr 08:00 o'clock until 13:00 o'clock

Appointment possible by agreement.

15. Caritas-Sozialstation Lippstadt-Land

Provider: Caritasverband für den Kreis Soest e. V.

We provide domestic nursing, company and assistance, domestic support, meals on wheels, medical alarms, palliative care, home-based care courses, transport services and advisory services on the topic of care and support.

Contact us

Ludmilla Zurke


Hörster Straße 153
59558 Lippstadt-Hörste

Times of work

  • Mo 08:00 o'clock until 13:00 o'clock
  • Tu 08:00 o'clock until 13:00 o'clock
  • Wed 08:00 o'clock until 13:00 o'clock
  • Thu 08:00 o'clock until 13:00 o'clock
  • Fr 08:00 o'clock until 13:00 o'clock

Appointment possible by agreement.

16. Caritas-Sozialstation Rüthen

Provider: Caritasverband für den Kreis Soest e. V.

We provide domestic nursing, company and assistance, domestic support, meals on wheels, medical alarms, palliative care, home-based care courses, transport services and advisory services on the topic of care and support.

Contact us

Reinhard Mehn


Niedere Straße 37
59602 Rüthen


(02952) 89000

Times of work

  • Mo 08:00 o'clock until 13:00 o'clock
  • Tu 08:00 o'clock until 13:00 o'clock
  • Wed 08:00 o'clock until 13:00 o'clock
  • Thu 08:00 o'clock until 13:00 o'clock
  • Fr 08:00 o'clock until 13:00 o'clock

Appointment possible by agreement.

Appointment only possible after agreement

17. Caritas-Sozialstation Geseke

Provider: Caritasverband für den Kreis Soest

We provide domestic nursing, company and assistance, domestic support, meals on wheels, medical alarms, palliative care, home-based care courses, transport services and advisory services on the topic of care and support.

Contact us

Birgit Thöne


Rosenstraße 16b
59590 Geseke


(02942) 8350

Times of work

  • Mo 08:00 o'clock until 13:00 o'clock
  • Tu 08:00 o'clock until 13:00 o'clock
  • Wed 08:00 o'clock until 13:00 o'clock
  • Thu 08:00 o'clock until 13:00 o'clock
  • Fr 08:00 o'clock until 13:00 o'clock

Appointment possible by agreement.

18. Caritas-Sozialstation Erwitte

Provider: Caritasverband für den Kreis Soest e. V.

We provide domestic nursing, company and assistance, domestic support, meals on wheels, medical alarms, palliative care, home-based care courses, transport services and advisory services on the topic of care and support.

Contact us

Holger Pullich


Am Markt 8
59597 Erwitte

Times of work

  • Mo 08:00 o'clock until 13:00 o'clock
  • Tu 08:00 o'clock until 13:00 o'clock
  • Wed 08:00 o'clock until 13:00 o'clock
  • Thu 08:00 o'clock until 13:00 o'clock
  • Fr 08:00 o'clock until 13:00 o'clock

Appointment possible by agreement.

19. Caritas-Sozialstation Warstein-Belecke

Provider: Caritasverband für den Kreis Soest e. V.

We provide domestic nursing, company and assistance, domestic support, meals on wheels, medical alarms, palliative care, home-based care courses, transport services and advisory services on the topic of care and support.

Contact us

Rita Ständer


Zum Horkamp 1
59581 Warstein

Times of work

  • Mo 08:00 o'clock until 13:00 o'clock
  • Tu 08:00 o'clock until 13:00 o'clock
  • Wed 08:00 o'clock until 13:00 o'clock
  • Thu 08:00 o'clock until 13:00 o'clock
  • Fr 08:00 o'clock until 13:00 o'clock

Appointment possible by agreement.

20. Geseker Tafel

Provider: Caritasverband für den Kreis Soest e. V.

We pass on food items that are in good condition to individuals and families with low incomes.

Contact us

Willi Pieper


Lüdische Straße 21
59590 Geseke

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