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1. full coffee - Café for parents

Provider: SkF (Sozialdienst katholischer Frauen) e.V. Lippstadt

We offer parent's café while our childrens' dresses shop is opened.

Contact us

Frau Daniela Fischer


Cappelstr. 27
59555 Lippstadt

Times of work

  • Mo 14:00 o'clock until 16:00 o'clock
  • Thu 10:00 o'clock until 12:00 o'clock

Appointment possible by agreement.

2. Demenzberatung

Provider: Caritasverband für den Kreis Soest e. V.

Information and advice on the topic of dementia allow ideas surrounding organising daily life and life with people with dementia to be developed together. Lectures on the topic of dementia, primarily on the effects of the illness on the lives of those effected and communicating with people with dementia.

Contact us

Elisabeth Groth-Hollmann


Am Kirchplatz 11
59519 Möhnesee

Times of work

  • Mo 08:00 o'clock until 13:00 o'clock
  • Tu 08:00 o'clock until 13:00 o'clock
  • Wed 08:00 o'clock until 13:00 o'clock
  • Thu 08:00 o'clock until 13:00 o'clock
  • Fr 08:00 o'clock until 13:00 o'clock

Appointment possible by agreement.

3. Caritas-Sozialstation, Lippstadt

Provider: Caritasverband für den Kreis Soest e. V.

We provide domestic nursing, company and assistance, domestic support, meals on wheels, medical alarms, palliative care, home-based care courses, transport services and advisory services on the topic of care and support.

Contact us

Barbara Aulbur


Klosterstraße 37
59555 Lippstadt

Times of work

  • Mo 08:00 o'clock until 13:00 o'clock
  • Tu 08:00 o'clock until 13:00 o'clock
  • Wed 08:00 o'clock until 13:00 o'clock
  • Thu 08:00 o'clock until 13:00 o'clock
  • Fr 08:00 o'clock until 13:00 o'clock

Appointment possible by agreement.

Appointment only possible after agreement

4. Mutter-Kind-Kurberatung

Provider: Caritasverband für den Kreis Soest e. V.

Here we give mothers, and increasingly father and care-giving relatives, a time out. Important factors to consider: • Individual advice so the right service can be used with the relevant facilities • Assistance with the application, organising the return journey

Contact us

Irmgard Strunk-Welp und Christina Karthaus


Poststraße 17
59555 Lippstadt

Times of work

  • Tu 09:00 o'clock until 12:00 o'clock
  • Thu 09:00 o'clock until 12:00 o'clock

Appointment possible by agreement.

Appointment only possible after agreement

5. Beratungsstelle für Eltern, Jugendliche und Kinder, Lippstadt

Provider: Caritasverband für den Kreis Soest e. V.

We support and advise adults with issues surrounding education, development and encouraging their children. We help children and young people with personal, family or professional problems. We advise teachers, educators, educational specialists and other reference persons who have questions dealing with individual children or the group that they care for.

Contact us

Anne Bunse-Stempel


Steinstraße 9a
59557 Lippstadt


(02941) 5038

Times of work

  • Mo 08:00 o'clock until 17:00 o'clock
  • Tu 08:00 o'clock until 17:00 o'clock
  • Wed 08:00 o'clock until 17:00 o'clock
  • Thu 08:00 o'clock until 17:00 o'clock
  • Fr 08:00 o'clock until 13:00 o'clock

Appointment possible by agreement.

6. Senioren Wohngemeinschaft, Lippstadt

Provider: Caritasverband für den Kreis Soest e.V.

Caritas supports senior citizens from 60Plus to lead an independent life on the premises of the old nurses' home in the catholic hospital. Owing to rental rates, this service is dedicated to those with a low income.

Contact us

Barbara Aulbur


Klosterstrasse 37
59555 Lippstadt

Times of work

  • Mo 08:00 o'clock until 13:00 o'clock
  • Tu 08:00 o'clock until 13:00 o'clock
  • Wed 08:00 o'clock until 13:00 o'clock
  • Thu 08:00 o'clock until 13:00 o'clock
  • Fr 08:00 o'clock until 13:00 o'clock

Appointment possible by agreement.

Appointment only possible after agreement

7. Caritas-Tagespflege St. Hildegard, Lippstadt

Provider: Caritasverband für den Kreis Soest e. V.

We provide day care for elderly people requiring assistance, who are limited in their independence at home and for those living alone who are lonely and need someone to talk to. In addition, the service also serves to relieve and support nursing and caring dependants.

Contact us

Christian Fischer


Klosterstrasse 37
59555 Lippstadt

Times of work

  • Mo 08:00 o'clock until 16:30 o'clock
  • Tu 08:00 o'clock until 16:30 o'clock
  • Wed 08:00 o'clock until 16:30 o'clock
  • Thu 08:00 o'clock until 16:30 o'clock
  • Fr 08:00 o'clock until 16:30 o'clock

Appointment possible by agreement.

8. Caritas-Tagespflege LÖebensbaum, Anröchte

Provider: Caritasverband für den Kreis Soest e. V.

We provide day care for elderly people requiring assistance, who are limited in their independence at home and for those living alone who are lonely and need someone to talk to. In addition, the service also serves to relieve and support nursing and caring dependants.

Contact us

Birgit Hoffmeier


Hospitalstraße 11
59609 Anröchte

Times of work

  • Mo 08:00 o'clock until 16:30 o'clock
  • Tu 08:00 o'clock until 16:30 o'clock
  • Wed 08:00 o'clock until 16:30 o'clock
  • Thu 08:00 o'clock until 16:30 o'clock
  • Fr 08:00 o'clock until 16:30 o'clock
  • Sa 08:00 o'clock until 16:30 o'clock

Appointment possible by agreement.

9. Caritas-Sozialstation Anröchte

Provider: Caritasverband für den Kreis Soest e. V.

We provide domestic nursing, company and assistance, domestic support, meals on wheels, medical alarms, palliative care, home-based care courses, transport services and advisory services on the topic of care and support.

Contact us

Ulrich Mehn


Hospitalstraße 11
59609 Anröchte

Times of work

  • Mo 08:00 o'clock until 13:00 o'clock
  • Tu 08:00 o'clock until 13:00 o'clock
  • Wed 08:00 o'clock until 13:00 o'clock
  • Thu 08:00 o'clock until 13:00 o'clock
  • Fr 08:00 o'clock until 13:00 o'clock

Appointment possible by agreement.

10. Caritas-Sozialstation Lippstadt-Land

Provider: Caritasverband für den Kreis Soest e. V.

We provide domestic nursing, company and assistance, domestic support, meals on wheels, medical alarms, palliative care, home-based care courses, transport services and advisory services on the topic of care and support.

Contact us

Ludmilla Zurke


Hörster Straße 153
59558 Lippstadt-Hörste

Times of work

  • Mo 08:00 o'clock until 13:00 o'clock
  • Tu 08:00 o'clock until 13:00 o'clock
  • Wed 08:00 o'clock until 13:00 o'clock
  • Thu 08:00 o'clock until 13:00 o'clock
  • Fr 08:00 o'clock until 13:00 o'clock

Appointment possible by agreement.

11. Caritas-Sozialstation Rüthen

Provider: Caritasverband für den Kreis Soest e. V.

We provide domestic nursing, company and assistance, domestic support, meals on wheels, medical alarms, palliative care, home-based care courses, transport services and advisory services on the topic of care and support.

Contact us

Reinhard Mehn


Niedere Straße 37
59602 Rüthen


(02952) 89000

Times of work

  • Mo 08:00 o'clock until 13:00 o'clock
  • Tu 08:00 o'clock until 13:00 o'clock
  • Wed 08:00 o'clock until 13:00 o'clock
  • Thu 08:00 o'clock until 13:00 o'clock
  • Fr 08:00 o'clock until 13:00 o'clock

Appointment possible by agreement.

Appointment only possible after agreement

12. Caritas-Sozialstation Geseke

Provider: Caritasverband für den Kreis Soest

We provide domestic nursing, company and assistance, domestic support, meals on wheels, medical alarms, palliative care, home-based care courses, transport services and advisory services on the topic of care and support.

Contact us

Birgit Thöne


Rosenstraße 16b
59590 Geseke


(02942) 8350

Times of work

  • Mo 08:00 o'clock until 13:00 o'clock
  • Tu 08:00 o'clock until 13:00 o'clock
  • Wed 08:00 o'clock until 13:00 o'clock
  • Thu 08:00 o'clock until 13:00 o'clock
  • Fr 08:00 o'clock until 13:00 o'clock

Appointment possible by agreement.

13. Caritas-Sozialstation Erwitte

Provider: Caritasverband für den Kreis Soest e. V.

We provide domestic nursing, company and assistance, domestic support, meals on wheels, medical alarms, palliative care, home-based care courses, transport services and advisory services on the topic of care and support.

Contact us

Holger Pullich


Am Markt 8
59597 Erwitte

Times of work

  • Mo 08:00 o'clock until 13:00 o'clock
  • Tu 08:00 o'clock until 13:00 o'clock
  • Wed 08:00 o'clock until 13:00 o'clock
  • Thu 08:00 o'clock until 13:00 o'clock
  • Fr 08:00 o'clock until 13:00 o'clock

Appointment possible by agreement.

14. Caritas-Sozialstation Warstein-Belecke

Provider: Caritasverband für den Kreis Soest e. V.

We provide domestic nursing, company and assistance, domestic support, meals on wheels, medical alarms, palliative care, home-based care courses, transport services and advisory services on the topic of care and support.

Contact us

Rita Ständer


Zum Horkamp 1
59581 Warstein

Times of work

  • Mo 08:00 o'clock until 13:00 o'clock
  • Tu 08:00 o'clock until 13:00 o'clock
  • Wed 08:00 o'clock until 13:00 o'clock
  • Thu 08:00 o'clock until 13:00 o'clock
  • Fr 08:00 o'clock until 13:00 o'clock

Appointment possible by agreement.

15. Ambulant Betreutes Wohnen für Menschen mit psychischer Erkrankung

Provider: Sozialdienst Katholischer Männer e.V. Lippstadt

We come to your home and help directly. We are at your side when you suffer from mental sorrows. We accompany you to the doctor, we help you to accept your situation, we give you courage, we help you with your household, your money affairs, with authorites and post office issues.

Contact us

Frau Ulla Röper-Waltemate


Cappelstraße 50 - 52
59555 Lippstadt



Times of work

  • Mo 8:00 o'clock until 12:30 o'clock
  • Tu 8:00 o'clock until 12:30 o'clock
  • Wed 8:00 o'clock until 12:30 o'clock
  • Thu 8:00 o'clock until 12:30 o'clock
  • Fr 8:00 o'clock until 12:30 o'clock

Appointment possible by agreement.

Appointment only possible after agreement

16. jona-Facheinrichtung für medizinische Rehabilitation

Provider: Sozialdienst Katholischer Männer e.V. Lippstadt

Medical rehabilitation withhin a stationary facility for people with mental illness (limited stay up to 9 month). The target of our co-operation is the acceptance, understanding and handling of your mental illness. We help to develop private and job perspectives and support the developmemt of your social competence.

Contact us

Herr Martin Krüper


Jahnweg 10
59555 Lippstadt



Times of work

  • Mo 8:30 o'clock until 17:00 o'clock
  • Tu 8:30 o'clock until 17:00 o'clock
  • Wed 8:30 o'clock until 17:00 o'clock
  • Thu 8:30 o'clock until 17:00 o'clock
  • Fr 8:30 o'clock until 17:00 o'clock

Appointment possible by agreement.

Appointment only possible after agreement

17. BLICK - Kontakt- und Beratungsstelle

Provider: Sozialdienst Katholischer Männer e.V. Lippstadt

Individual possibilities of consultation and support to maintain your mental health. Stabilizing and therapeutical support in case of life crisis, despair, traumatic war and escape expreriences. Mental stress like: fear, sadness, depression, sleeping problems, night mares, agression,anger, self-injury

Contact us

Frau Andrea Kiel-Philipp


Cappelstraße 50 - 52
59555 Lippstadt



Appointment possible by agreement.

Appointment only possible after agreement

18. NOAH

Provider: Sozialdienst Katholischer Männer e.V. Lippstadt

We offer stationary housing for mentally ill adults (22 places). It is our target to accompany and support mentally ill poeple on their way to a self-determined and social as well as job integrated life.

Contact us

Frau Silke Sievert


Paterskamp 10a
59555 Lippstadt



Times of work

  • Mo 8:00 o'clock until 16:00 o'clock
  • Tu 8:00 o'clock until 16:00 o'clock
  • Wed 8:00 o'clock until 16:00 o'clock
  • Thu 8:00 o'clock until 16:00 o'clock
  • Fr 8:00 o'clock until 16:00 o'clock

Appointment possible by agreement.

Appointment only possible after agreement

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