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1. Wohnberatung

Provider: Caritasverband für den Kreis Soest e. V.

Accommodation advice is a free service for all interested citizens. The objective of the accommodation service is to prolong independent living in your own home and in a familiar environment and, where necessary, achieve this by means of structural changes. It is therefore possible to remain in your own apartment/home with care needs.

Contact us

Anne Schulte-Bücker


Klosterstraße 37
59555 Lippstadt

2. Ambulant Betreutes Wohnen für Menschen mit psychischer Erkrankung

Provider: Sozialdienst Katholischer Männer e.V. Lippstadt

We come to your home and help directly. We are at your side when you suffer from mental sorrows. We accompany you to the doctor, we help you to accept your situation, we give you courage, we help you with your household, your money affairs, with authorites and post office issues.

Contact us

Frau Ulla Röper-Waltemate


Cappelstraße 50 - 52
59555 Lippstadt



Times of work

  • Mo 8:00 o'clock until 12:30 o'clock
  • Tu 8:00 o'clock until 12:30 o'clock
  • Wed 8:00 o'clock until 12:30 o'clock
  • Thu 8:00 o'clock until 12:30 o'clock
  • Fr 8:00 o'clock until 12:30 o'clock

Appointment possible by agreement.

Appointment only possible after agreement

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