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1. Caritas-Sozialstation Lippstadt-Benninghausen
Provider: Caritasverband für den Kreis Soest e.V.
Contact us
Nadine Peters
Benninghauser Straße 172
59556 Lippstadt-Benninghausen
Appointment possible by agreement.
Appointment only possible after agreement
2. Caritas-Sozialstation, Lippstadt
Provider: Caritasverband für den Kreis Soest e. V.
Contact us
Barbara Aulbur
Klosterstraße 37
59555 Lippstadt
Times of work
- Mo 08:00 o'clock until 13:00 o'clock
- Tu 08:00 o'clock until 13:00 o'clock
- Wed 08:00 o'clock until 13:00 o'clock
- Thu 08:00 o'clock until 13:00 o'clock
- Fr 08:00 o'clock until 13:00 o'clock
Appointment possible by agreement.
Appointment only possible after agreement
3. Seniorenwohngemeinschaft, Anröchte
Provider: Caritasverband für den Kreis Soest e. V.
Contact us
Ulrich Mehn
Hospitalstrasse 11
59609 Anröchte
Times of work
- Mo 08:00 o'clock until 13:00 o'clock
- Tu 08:00 o'clock until 13:00 o'clock
- Wed 08:00 o'clock until 13:00 o'clock
- Thu 08:00 o'clock until 13:00 o'clock
- Fr 08:00 o'clock until 13:00 o'clock
Appointment possible by agreement.
4. Caritas Service Wohnen „Am Hellweg“ und Seniorenwohngemeinschaft, Geseke
Provider: Caritasverband für den Kreis Soest e. V.
Contact us
Birgit Thöne / Anke Baumgart
Rosenstrasse 16a
59590 Geseke
Times of work
- Mo 08:00 o'clock until 13:00 o'clock
- Tu 08:00 o'clock until 13:00 o'clock
- Wed 08:00 o'clock until 13:00 o'clock
- Thu 08:00 o'clock until 13:00 o'clock
- Fr 08:00 o'clock until 13:00 o'clock
Appointment possible by agreement.
5. Caritas-Tagespflege St. Hildegard, Lippstadt
Provider: Caritasverband für den Kreis Soest e. V.
Contact us
Christian Fischer
Klosterstrasse 37
59555 Lippstadt
Times of work
- Mo 08:00 o'clock until 16:30 o'clock
- Tu 08:00 o'clock until 16:30 o'clock
- Wed 08:00 o'clock until 16:30 o'clock
- Thu 08:00 o'clock until 16:30 o'clock
- Fr 08:00 o'clock until 16:30 o'clock
Appointment possible by agreement.
6. Caritas-Sozialstation Anröchte
Provider: Caritasverband für den Kreis Soest e. V.
Contact us
Ulrich Mehn
Hospitalstraße 11
59609 Anröchte
Times of work
- Mo 08:00 o'clock until 13:00 o'clock
- Tu 08:00 o'clock until 13:00 o'clock
- Wed 08:00 o'clock until 13:00 o'clock
- Thu 08:00 o'clock until 13:00 o'clock
- Fr 08:00 o'clock until 13:00 o'clock
Appointment possible by agreement.
7. Caritas-Sozialstation Lippstadt-Land
Provider: Caritasverband für den Kreis Soest e. V.
Contact us
Ludmilla Zurke
Hörster Straße 153
59558 Lippstadt-Hörste
Times of work
- Mo 08:00 o'clock until 13:00 o'clock
- Tu 08:00 o'clock until 13:00 o'clock
- Wed 08:00 o'clock until 13:00 o'clock
- Thu 08:00 o'clock until 13:00 o'clock
- Fr 08:00 o'clock until 13:00 o'clock
Appointment possible by agreement.
8. Caritas-Sozialstation Rüthen
Provider: Caritasverband für den Kreis Soest e. V.
Contact us
Reinhard Mehn
Niedere Straße 37
59602 Rüthen
Times of work
- Mo 08:00 o'clock until 13:00 o'clock
- Tu 08:00 o'clock until 13:00 o'clock
- Wed 08:00 o'clock until 13:00 o'clock
- Thu 08:00 o'clock until 13:00 o'clock
- Fr 08:00 o'clock until 13:00 o'clock
Appointment possible by agreement.
Appointment only possible after agreement
9. Caritas-Sozialstation Geseke
Provider: Caritasverband für den Kreis Soest
Contact us
Birgit Thöne
Rosenstraße 16b
59590 Geseke
Times of work
- Mo 08:00 o'clock until 13:00 o'clock
- Tu 08:00 o'clock until 13:00 o'clock
- Wed 08:00 o'clock until 13:00 o'clock
- Thu 08:00 o'clock until 13:00 o'clock
- Fr 08:00 o'clock until 13:00 o'clock
Appointment possible by agreement.
10. Caritas-Sozialstation Erwitte
Provider: Caritasverband für den Kreis Soest e. V.
Contact us
Holger Pullich
Am Markt 8
59597 Erwitte
Times of work
- Mo 08:00 o'clock until 13:00 o'clock
- Tu 08:00 o'clock until 13:00 o'clock
- Wed 08:00 o'clock until 13:00 o'clock
- Thu 08:00 o'clock until 13:00 o'clock
- Fr 08:00 o'clock until 13:00 o'clock
Appointment possible by agreement.
11. Caritas-Sozialstation Warstein-Belecke
Provider: Caritasverband für den Kreis Soest e. V.
Contact us
Rita Ständer
Zum Horkamp 1
59581 Warstein
Times of work
- Mo 08:00 o'clock until 13:00 o'clock
- Tu 08:00 o'clock until 13:00 o'clock
- Wed 08:00 o'clock until 13:00 o'clock
- Thu 08:00 o'clock until 13:00 o'clock
- Fr 08:00 o'clock until 13:00 o'clock
Appointment possible by agreement.