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1. Lippstädter Tafel

Provider: Caritasverband für den Kreis Soest e. V.

We pass on food items that are in good condition to individuals and families with low incomes.

Contact us

Willi Pieper


Klosterstraße 5
59555 Lippstadt

Times of work

  • Tu 14:00 o'clock until 16:00 o'clock
  • Fr 10:00 o'clock until 12:00 o'clock

Appointment possible by agreement.

Appointment only possible after agreement

2. Rüthener Tafel

Provider: Caritasverband für den Kreis Soest e. V.

We pass on food items that are in good condition to individuals and families with low incomes.

Contact us

Günter Keuthen


Königstraße 5
59602 Rüthen

Times of work

  • Thu 14:00 o'clock until 16:00 o'clock

Appointment possible by agreement.

Appointment only possible after agreement

3. Finanzielle Einzelfallhilfe - Fondsverwaltung

Provider: Caritasverband für den Kreis Soest e. V.

Advice and financial assistance for people in special circumstances.

Contact us

Georg Karbowski


Osthofenstraße 35a
59494 Soest

Times of work

  • Mo 14:00 o'clock until 16:00 o'clock
  • Thu 09:00 o'clock until 11:00 o'clock

Appointment possible by agreement.

Appointment only possible after agreement

4. Geseker Tafel

Provider: Caritasverband für den Kreis Soest e. V.

We pass on food items that are in good condition to individuals and families with low incomes.

Contact us

Willi Pieper


Lüdische Straße 21
59590 Geseke

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